Two 2021 Detroit Music Award wins!!
What a crazy world we live in these days!! This is how I found out that I won two 2021 Detroit Music Awards for “Outstanding Country Recording” for my album “With Love from Lake Huron,” and Outstanding Country Vocalist. Thank you all of my peers who voted for the album and me! Thank you also to my wonderful cowriters for writing great songs with me and also Leon Zarski. Thank you to Beaird Music Group, Inc. too! . Congrats also to my bandmates for being honored as “Special Honorees” for Outstanding Country Artist/Group. We’re honored!!! Xoxo! #DMAs #songwriter#recording #album #redshoes #bmi #vocalist #Dave Gibson #Mike Dekle #JonDAgostino #MichelleChenard #Caleb Malooley #beairdmusicgroup #leonzarski #withlovefromlakehuron #detroitmusicawards #larrybeaird
